

Organising Committee

  • Enzo De Sena (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Annika Neidhardt (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Christos Chousidis  (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Joshua D. Reiss (C4DM, Queen Mary University of London, UK)
  • Mark D. Plumbley (CVSSP, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Randall Ali (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Russell Mason (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Stefan Bilbao (Acoustics and Audio Group, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Amal Emthyas (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Joshua Mannall (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Marcela Rada (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Matteo Scerbo (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Natasha Blakemore (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)
  • Will J. Cassidy (IoSR, University of Surrey, UK)

DAFx Board

  • Peter Balazs (Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
  • Nicola Bernardini (Conservatorio di Musica “Cesare Pollini”, Padova, Italy)
  • Stefan Bilbao (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Philippe Depalle (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
  • Giovanni De Poli (CSC-DEI, University of Padova, Italy)
  • Myriam Desainte-Catherine (SCRIME, Université de Bordeaux, France)
  • Markus Erne (Scopein Research, Aarau, Switzerland)
  • Gianpaolo Evangelista (University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria)
  • Simon Godsill (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Robert Höldrich (IEM, University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, Austria)
  • Pierre Hanna (Université de Bordeaux, France)
  • Jean-Marc Jot (DTS, CA, USA)
  • Victor Lazzarini (National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland)
  • Sylvain Marchand (L3i, University of La Rochelle, France)
  • Damian Murphy (University of York, UK)
  • Søren Nielsen (SoundFocus, Arhus, Denmark)
  • Markus Noisternig (IRCAM – CNRS – Sorbonne University / UPMC, Paris, France)
  • Luis Ortiz Berenguer (ETSIS Telecomunicación – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
  • Geoffroy Peeters (IRCAM, France)
  • Rudolf Rabenstein (University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany)
  • Davide Rocchesso (University of Palermo, Italy)
  • Jøran Rudi (NoTAM, Oslo, Norway)
  • Mark Sandler (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
  • Augusto Sarti (DEI – Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
  • Lauri Savioja (Aalto University, Espoo, Finland)
  • Xavier Serra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Julius O. Smith (CCRMA, Stanford University, CA, USA)
  • Alois Sontacchi (IEM, Univ. of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, Austria)
  • Jan Tro (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
  • Vesa Välimäki (Aalto University, Espoo, Finland)
  • Udo Zölzer (Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany)

DAFx Programme Committee

  • Trevor Agus (Queen’s University Belfast)
  • Jens Ahrens (Chalmers University of Technology)
  • Benoit Alary (IRCAM)
  • Randall Ali (University of Surrey)
  • Adrian Artacho (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
  • Federico Avanzini (University of Milan)
  • Peter Balazs (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
  • Isabel Barbancho (Universidad of Málaga)
  • Stefan Bayer (International Audio Laboratories, Erlangen)
  • Jose R. Beltran (University of Zaragoza)
  • Alberto Bernardini (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Stefan Bilbao (University of Edinburgh)
  • José Luis Blanco-Murillo (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Valeria Bruschi (UNIVPM)
  • Elvira Burdiel (Sonnox)
  • Guilherme Campos (University of Aveiro)
  • Sergio Canazza (University of Padova)
  • Elliot Canfield-Dafilou (Institut Jean le Rond ∂’Alembert, Sorbonne Université/CNRS)
  • F. Amílcar Cardoso (University of Coimbra)
  • Thibaut Carpentier (IRCAM)
  • Alistair Carson (University of Edinburgh)
  • Mark Cartwright (New York University)
  • Will J. Cassidy (University of Surrey)
  • Stefania Cecchi (Univpm)
  • Vasileios Chatziioannou (Institute of Music Acoustics)
  • Christos Chousidis (University of Surrey)
  • Andrew Christian (NASA Langley Research Center)
  • Philip Coleman (L-Acoustics)
  • Marco Comunità (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Stefano D’Angelo
  • Gloria Dal Santo (Aalto University)
  • Stefano Damiano (KU Leuven)
  • Roger Dannenberg (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Champ Darabundit (McGill University)
  • Orchisama Das (Sonos)
  • Enzo De Sena (University of Surrey)
  • Kristjan Dempwolf (PreSonus Software)
  • Thomas Dietzen (KU Leuven)
  • Christian Dittmar (Fraunhofer)
  • Michele Ducceschi (Univeristy of Bologna)
  • Lars Engeln (Technische Universität Dresden)
  • Cumhur Erkut (Aalborg University)
  • Philippe Esling (IRCAM)
  • Fabian Esqueda (Korg Germany GmbH)
  • Georg Essl (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee)
  • Gianpaolo Evangelista (Independent researcher)
  • Jon Fagerström (Aalto University)
  • Ricardo Falcon Perez (Aalto University)
  • Christof Faller (Illusonic GmbH)
  • Stefano Fasciani (University of Oslo)
  • Leonardo Fierro (Aalto University)
  • Federico Fontana (University of Udine)
  • Dominique Fourer (Univ. Evry / Paris-Saclay)
  • Diamantino Freitas (University of Porto)
  • Anastasia Georgaki (University of Athens)
  • Michele Geronazzo (University of Padova)
  • Riccardo Giampiccolo (Politecnico di Milano)
  • Jean-Louis Giavitto (IRCAM & CNRS)
  • Dan Gillespie (Newfangled Audio)
  • Riccardo Gramaccioni (Sapienza University of Rome)
  • Emanuel Habets (International Audio Laboratories Erlangen)
  • Ben Hayes (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Jason Hockman
  • Robert Hoeldrich (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
  • Aidan Hogg (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Nicki Holighaus (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
  • Bo Holm-Rasmussen (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Martin Holters (Helmut Schmidt University)
  • Andrew Horner (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  • Alexander Refsum Jensenius (University of Oslo)
  • Jean-Marc Jot (SonicCloud, Inc.)
  • Pierre Jouvelot (Mines Paris, PSL University)
  • Mathieu Lagrange (LS2N CNRS)
  • Juho Liski (Aalto University)
  • Pedro Llado (Aalto University)
  • Filipe Cunha Monteiro Lopes (Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design – IPP)
  • Vincent Lostanlen (LS2N, CNRS)
  • Alexey Lukin (iZotope, Inc.)
  • Sylvain Marchand (University of La Rochelle)
  • Matija Marolt (University of Ljubljana)
  • Marco Martinez (Sony Group Corporation)
  • Russell Mason (University of Surrey)
  • Leo Mccormack (Aalto University)
  • Thomas Mckenzie (University of Edinburgh)
  • Thomas Mejstrik (University of Vienna)
  • Nils Meyer-Kahlen (Aalto University)
  • Romain Michon (CCRMA)
  • Rémi Mignot (IRCAM & CNRS)
  • Christopher Mitcheltree (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Eloi Moliner (Aalto university)
  • Damian Murphy (University of York)
  • Annika Neidhardt (University of Surrey)
  • Shahan Nercessian (Native Instruments)
  • Michael Newton (University of Edinburgh)
  • Søren Nielsen (SoundFocus)
  • Stavros Ntalampiras (University of Milan)
  • Stephen Oxnard (Meridian Audio Ltd.)
  • Rui Pedro Paiva (University of Coimbra)
  • Julian Parker (Native Instruments)
  • Pedro Pestana (UCP)
  • Nils Peters (International Audio Laboratories Erlangen)
  • Lorenzo Picinali (Imperial College London)
  • Archontis Politis (Tampere University)
  • Laurent Pottier (UJM-CIEREC)
  • Karolina Prawda (Aalto University)
  • Miller Puckette (University of California San Diego)
  • Marcelo Queiroz (University of São Paulo)
  • Rudolf Rabenstein (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
  • Marcela Rada (University of Surrey)
  • Stephane Ragot (ORANGE)
  • Pavel Rajmic (Brno University of Technology)
  • Mark Rau (McGill University)
  • Joshua Reiss (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Lenny Renault (IRCAM)
  • Gaël Richard (Telecom Paris)
  • Antonio Rodà (University of Padova)
  • Axel Roebel (IRCAM)
  • Robert Rowe (New York University)
  • David Roze (CNRS-IRCAM-SU)
  • František Rund (CTU FEE)
  • Riccardo Russo (University of Bologna)
  • Carla Scaletti (Symbolic Sound Corporation)
  • Maximilian Schäfer (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
  • Jiri Schimmel (Brno University of Technology)
  • Sebastian Schlecht (International Audio Laboratories, Erlangen)
  • Rod Selfridge (Edinburgh Napier University)
  • Sertan Şentürk (Deliveroo)
  • Xavier Serra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • Riccardo Simionato (University of Oslo)
  • Tamara Smyth (University of California San Diego)
  • Francis Stevens (University of York)
  • Martin Supper (Berlin University of the Arts)
  • Tony Tew (University of York)
  • Etienne Thoret (McGill University)
  • Luca Turchet (University of Trento)
  • George Tzanetakis (University of Victoria)
  • Vesa Välimäki (Aalto University)
  • Maarten Van Walstijn (Queen’s University Belfast)
  • Gualtiero Volpe (University of Genoa)
  • Henrik von Coler (TU Berlin)
  • Lin Wang (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Craig Webb (University of Edinburgh)
  • Russell Wedelich (Eventide Inc)
  • Jeremy Wells (Creative Ltd)
  • Kurt Werner (Soundtoys, Inc.)
  • Silvin Willemsen (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Alec Wright (University of Edinburgh)
  • Anna Xambó Sedo (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Yi-Hsuan Yang (National Taiwan University)
  • Stefano Zambon (MIND Music Labs)
  • Franz Zotter (Kunstuniversität Graz)